NaNoGenMo 2021

October 09, 2021

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NaNoGenMo 2021

I participated in National Novel Generation Month for 2021. See here for my GitHub repository with my code and my final novel.

I was inspired by this Abstruse Goose comic: Abstruse Goose 98

I have used the Python wikipedia library to pull pages and links from Wikipedia. The lecture_loop() function in the “NLP” file simulates a lecture from the contents of a Wikipedia article and generates questions based on links within the article.

An excerpt of my novel can be found below:

The educator elaborated sullenly, “The Early Middle Ages or Early Medieval -“

“What’s Medieval?” a student wondered gently.

The schoolteacher acknowledged the query with a grin.

The teacher noted happily, “In the history of Europe, the Middle Ages or medieval period lasted approximately from the 5th to the late 15th centuries, similarly to the Post-classical period of global history. It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire -“

The schoolteacher looked around, anticipating a query from the class about Roman Empire or some other topic.

The lecturer continued.

The teacher said calmly, “- and transitioned into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery -“

“What’s Age of Discovery?” a boy quizzed slowly.

The teacher acknowledged the query with a slight jig.

The lecturer breathed quickly, “The Age of Discovery (or the Age of Exploration) is an informal and loosely defined term for the early modern period, largely overlapping with the Age of Sail -“

“What’s Age of Sail?” a girl interjected sullenly.

The schoolteacher acknowledged the question with a smirk.

The instructor announced furiously, “The Age of Sail is a period that lasted at the latest from the mid-16th (or mid-15th) to the mid-19th centuries, in which the dominance of sailing ships in global trade and warfare cumulated, particularly marked by the introduction of naval artillery, and ultimately reached its highest extent at the advent of the analogue Age of Steam. Enabled by the advances of the related Age of Navigation, it is identified as a distinctive element of the early modern period and the Age of Discovery -“

“What’s Age of Discovery?” a student blurted slowly.

The teacher acknowledged the question with a smirk.

The schoolteacher sang quietly, “The Age of Discovery (or the Age of Exploration -“

The schoolteacher halted, listening for a question from the class about Exploration or some other topic.

The students stifled their yawns.

Victor Blancada is a data scientist. Visit his LinkedIn page here.

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